Friday, December 7, 2012

Season 35 Telah dibuka!

Pemesanan periode 1 December-30 December 2012 telah dibuka
Contact or 083871438750 for more detail

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Marvel One-Shot: Item 47

Louis D'Esposito
Eric Pearson (screenplay)
Lizzy Caplan, Jesse Bradford and Maximiliano Hernández



Marvel Studios' all new One-Shot Item 47 is gearing up to be the biggest and coolest of them all, much like its parent movie The Avengers. The short film will be on the Blu-ray/DVD for The Avengers when it is released on September 25.
There will be a secret screening of the short this Friday at Comic-Con and Marvel Studios will be giving out a poster below to all attendants. You can check it out below, thanks to EW. The short is described as follows:
Lizzy Caplan and Jesse Bradford star as a down-on-their-luck couple who find one of the discarded alien guns from the finale to The Avengers — and proceed to make some incredibly bad decisions.
Two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents (Maximiliano Hernández, returning from Thor and The Avengers, and Lost’s Man in Black Titus Welliver, making his Marvel debut) are given the job of cleaning up the mess and stopping this modern Bonnie and Clyde (not coincidentally named Benny and Claire.)

Man of Steel 2012 Teaser Poster

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Season 29 Telah dibuka!

Pemesanan periode 10 July - 15 July 2012 telah dibuka
Contact or 085692340873 for more detail

Barang yg dapat di create:
* Dakimakura (Sarung guling)
* Sarung Bantal
* Sprei
* Poster


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lgsg contact 085692340873/ (YM/email)

Mal Taman Anggrek Lt.3 Animachi

Pembayaran dapat melalui Transfer:
logo bca Pictures, Images and Photos
Mandiri Pictures, Images and Photos